
Great interest about Hauge in Bali

Sigbjørn Ravnåsen was invited to Bali to hold a speech about "Hans Nilsen Hauge - a role model for our time". The speech was presented in the conference "Transform World Summit" in November 2012.


Sigbjørn Ravnåsen - Ron Archer USA - Keilla Martin Brasil - John Hur

431 delegates from 25 countries took part, and a group of 80 persons heard Ravnåsen  speech. Ravnåsen also took part in a discussion group where the focus was Poverty Challenge. Numerous persons in that group asked for his speech to be sent them by mail after the conference in Bali. The conference administration in Switzerland has now distributed his talk to all stakeholders.

After the summit, professor of Global Business, Prabhu Guptara at William Carey University in New Delhi, asked Ravnåsens permission to publish his talk in the "Forward Press Magazine" in New Delhi. This will happen in the beginning of 2013, both in an English version and in the Hindi language. Thus Hans Nielsen Hauge has really "entered the international arena", and we excpect the future to hold new exciting events!

To read the speech, press here...

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